PROART Education Project

Welcome to PROART´s International Education Project , PROART has been running since 2008 and is already an important part of the lives of many children from rural and remote poor areas of Andhra Pradesh, South India.

A.P. Kids Gallery.

Their schools, their needs, their lacks, their happiness, their laughs… their innocence. Many of them orphans or abandoned kids who live in the school and have no one but a few nuns who run these schools and their foster-orphan-boarding wings with a great lack of resources.


Trying to show just with words and images an experience that can only be lived. Living with these children, working with them, learning from them, teaching them, helping them, playing with them…

With The Kids
With The Kids Gallery

The feelings and satisfaction one gets from such an adventure can´t be explained with words or images, that is for sure. But it is even more important what we learn from them, how similar we all are all over the planet earth, and how hard, some
«things» and people, tried and try to make us different.


The Rickshaw Series
The School Rickshaw Gallery

These kids have less than nothing but they smile, they laugh, they go happy to school, they appreciate and respect their education, and those who are a part of it. Something that in other cultures with lots more economical possibilities is getting lost. Respect towards education and teachers from: children, parents. society, governments… has been erased by other social «priorities» in many developed countries.


This project tries to show, or teach, or touch any soul or mind that is open to it, how life and things in it could be a lot easier if we wanted, shown through the eyes of kids who really need our help and dedication. Starting in South India but with the expectation of covering more places around the planet to see how similar we all are at that innocent stage of life, but how different our school and environments are.

Namaste! Go to Presentations in Spain.
Go to Presentations in Spain.

So, hopefully with the help and time of all of you who might like or agree with any of what will be shown or said here, what starts as «Studying in Andrha Pradesh,India» could grow and become more global and useful, a great SchoolPlanet.

To us, Teaching means helping to learn, anyone who helps to make possible that a kid has a proper education is teaching. Not only teachers teach, anyone can in his own way.

Hope you enjoy it!!!  No matter if you are a friend or someone i don´t know who found this blog from other source…  Thanks a lot in advance for your time and interest!! Even just that helps!! To the kids also!! PROART Projects and all the children from these or any other places wish you a hearty welcome and fun ride through their blog and their stories.

Studying in… India

The Proarties

Made by children for children

PROART Projects


PROART Language Courses

Learn While You Help_Aprende Mientras Ayudas